Almond Joy Iced Coffee

Almond Joy Iced Coffee {National Coffee Day}

Almond Joy Iced CoffeeToday is National Coffee Day! I’m not sure who declares all these ‘National’ Days but thank you, whoever you are, for this one.

Coconut and Chocolate belong together.  Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.  Today it’s nuts.

~ Almond Joy Iced Coffee Recipe ~

Coffee ~ brew 1 cup strong coffee (if you like sweetener, add it now) and put in fridge or freezer until completely cooled.

Coconut Chocolate Milk ~ scald 1 cup coconut milk and pour over 1 cup chocolate chips.  Let stand a couple minutes before stirring.  Then put in fridge or freezer until completely chilled.

Toasted Coconut & Almonds ~ Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Toast 2 Tbl. sweetened coconut flakes and 2 Tbl. sliced almonds for 4-5 minutes until coconut is golden brown.

Coconut Whip Cream ~ combine 2 Tbl. confectioners sugar, 1/2 tsp. coconut extract, and 3/4 cup whipping cream in small bowl and beat with mixer on high to desired consistency.

Almond Joy Iced Coffee ~ Fill glass mug with ice.  Pour in chilled coffee filling mug 2/3 full.  Stir in coconut chocolate milk.  Top with whip cream.  Sprinkle with toasted coconut, almond, and mini chocolate chips.  Stick a straw in it and get happy.

Almond Joy Iced Coffee

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