Ramen {and a Sundays with Shelby outing}
Due to work and life and more life it had been quite some time since our last Sundays with Shelby outing. A year ago we were fighting the crowd at Walmart, shopping for Clark’s Christmas Kids, what an awesome day that was. This year, on the 21st of December, we were shopping for therapy. That’s where the Ramen comes in.
It’s becoming a tradition, shopping within days of Christmas (doing the same thing three times makes it a tradition). Neither of us are fans of crowds, but when we’re together and the conversation is real, we can walk arm in arm and not even notice the hustle and bustle. It’s quite extraordinary really. Our family has gotten to a place where frivolous, albeit fun at times, is not us anymore.
We were on a mission to find a wide mouth funnel, the perfect taupe eye-shadow (with hint of purple-but-not-shimmery), kitchen shears, dog toys aka Goodwill ‘fluffed’ animals for $0.99 each, and a lipstick that promoted confidence. We scored on most levels.
About the Ramen. So my kid was a little under the weather yesterday. As she recounted the day it was clear all she really needed was brothy noodles. She fished her social media channels and alas, no one responded to her bleak cries for noodles. 24 hours, no noodles delivered. Sundays with Shelby are a chance for Mom to slide into the role of AWESOME.
If I had known what the cure-all was in advance I would have thrown my hat into the ‘Noodle Ring’. Instead, we found ourselves at a Noodle Joint and got happy. I have Ramen on my radar for a new recipe post.

One Comment
Del's cooking twist
What an amazing recipe, Libby! I’m lovin’ it, thanks!